
In The End...

Since last posting, life-changing events have happened to people around me. What do you do when you lose a part of yourself? When life is taken away when it had seemingly only begun? When words cannot rationalize, when effort cannot fix, when clutching for hope still leaves you empty handed? Time, seemingly the only slapdash repairer of such wounds, is dragged out torturingly. You wonder whether you will ever gain the capacity to feel again – if you could ever be whole again. You sleep with their photograph. You smell their shampoo. You see their single sock in the washing basket, their ragged shoes outside the back door. You never ever forget, and you feel guilty as the minutes grow longer between your thoughts of them. You take comfort in the fact that you were lucky to have shared such a bond, and that they lived life as if they somehow knew their time was limited. Soon, the tears of reliving the memories are replaced with smiles. You realise the truth in McCartney’s words, that in the end the love you take, really is equal to the love you make. Rest peacefully, knowing that you are taking so much love with you.

This one is for Anna...
Joseph Arthur - In The Sun

And this one is for George...

1 comment:

Phil Origami said...

what's the building with the "venn"-tilation? mwahahaha